I receive in my email everyday a devotion from Time Warp Wife and I confess many days go by without even opening my email. I am sure I miss a lot of inspiring words of encouragement because I my lack of desire to even open one email. Today as I was sifting through the many emails I came across this challenge so I opened it. I am 7 days behind but better late than never. The challenge for day one was to read Corithians chapter 13, the love chapter and answer some questions about that chapter. Well I took it a step further and wrote out the whole chapter in my journal. And reflected on how many times I do not love others the way God has called me to. His instructions are there in black and white and so many times I have completely ignored His ways. I wrote a prayer afterward to help me learn to love more like Him. More of His love and less of mine...
I pray for patience beyond measure and forgivness when it runs thin. Kindness for all even those who seek to harm. Help me not to be jealous of my husband's time, envious of what others have, and thankful of my many blessings. Please guard my heart and mouth from boastful words and help me to not have prideful thoughts and actions. Please show me ways to honor others with all that I say and do. May my words and actions always be a reflection of You and Your influence in my life. Please show me where I am self seeking and help me to not act and react in anger. Forgive me for keeping records of past wrongs. May I learn to bury those and move on. Please steer my heart from evilness and finding joy in things that destroy. Guide me away from those things in my life that are not honoring You. Help me to recognize and be thankful for all the goodness. May I be ever mindful that true love is always protecting, trusting, hoping, and perservering through whatever this life brings.
In Your Awesome and Holy Name, Amen
<a href="<a href="http://time-warp-wife.blogspot.com/search/label/Marriage%20Challenge" target="_blank">http://time-warp-wife.<WBR>blogspot.com/search/label/<WBR>Marriage%20Challenge</a>" ><img border="0" src="<a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiJobAJETETwGchOrj44AkjFnGIcnkVmGy2B9Bcg6f4wyoyb9_Y8UkIf3OCxCPD4IrbixCuxe0SHtW1Zv6AUW_cKiefsMjmkLa3Z6UPoGbna6mCHIXHs1UGRxfrEHS2ErLV0167k1JGAOk/s400/october.jpg" target="_blank">http://2.bp.blogspot.com/<WBR>-OoI6iuNtaQw/Tm-ut18B3dI/<WBR>AAAAAAAACFo/tE2dp8yfGbQ/s400/<WBR>october.jpg</a>"/></a>